The Sea Star Mermaid tail features a beautiful 3D print and as with our other tails, it has a partial opening at the bottom which allows mermaids to use the Magic Fin monofin. Sea Star tail is one of the most popular ones. Its stunning green and blue colours are truly mesmerising and are much loved by mermaids and merboys too.
The smallest tails (for age 3-4) are not suitable for use with monofins. However, older children can get a full set including a Magic Fin monofin that makes a mermaid tail look real, and provides additional swimming support. Enjoy mermaiding with this beautiful creation of the underwater world.
There are matching accessories and available. is perfect for carrying wet monofin, tail, towels and swimwear in one bag. Swimming leggings are protecting lower body from the sun, whilst spending a while day on the beach.
- 100% Swimmable Mermaid Tail
- Part of the
- Suitable for use in and out of water
- Machine washable
- Fade and Chlorine Resistant Fabric
- Made in the UK
- Comfortable, Flexible and Highly durable Monofin
- Magic Fin Monofin fits shoe sizes - 11-6 (UK), 29-39 (EU), 11-8.5 (US)
Warning: Mermaid tails or monofins can significantly reduce the person’s ability to swim and can only be used by competent swimmers under strict competent adult supervision at all times, regardless of swimming ability.